Pilot's Right Subpanel

The Pilot's Right Subpanel controls are generally grouped and labeled by function, such as Lights, Prop, Cabin and Heated/Deice/Anti-Ice equipment.
Pilot's Left Sub Panel

The Pilot's Left Sub Panel will include the inverter, avionics master, battery master, ignition and engine start and auto-ignition switches, as well as the parking brake knob.
Instruments typically located in the pilot's left sub-panel include the left and right amp/load-meters and the propeller deice amp gauge.
Annunciator Panel

The Annunciator Panel displays Green status, Amber caution, and Red warning annunciators. Here are some of the common annunciators and their meanings:
LH or RH GEN OUT: The indicated generator is offline
LH or RH CHIP DETECT: The magnetic chip detector in the indicated engine has accumulated enough ferrous metal to set off the annunciator; maintenance is required and may be indicative of an impending engine problem
LH or RH FUEL PRESSURE: Fuel pressure low on the indicated side; commonly caused by an inoperative electric low-pressure boost pump, causing the high-pressure fuel pump to suction feed. Operation with this light illuminated is limited to 10 hours before a replacement or overhaul of the high-pressure fuel pump is required.
LH or RH NO FUEL TRANSFER: The indicated side's transfer pump is failing to transfer fuel to the nacelle tank, or the outboard tank is empty and only nacelle fuel remains.
LH or RH AUTOFEATHER ARMED: The autofeather switch is in the ARM position, and both power levers are advanced beyond approximately 90% N1.
LH or RH IGN IND: The indicated side's ignition system is operating; normal indication during engine start, and when the Auto-Ignition system is armed and the torque is below approximately 400 ft.-lbs.
PROP REV NOT READY: Propeller levers are not full forward with the landing gear down.
BATTERY CHARGE: Excessive rate of charge going to the battery (this is a holdover from airplanes with NiCad batteries; most C90s with Lead-Acid batteries have had this light deactivated)
INVERTER OUT: Selected inverter is inoperative.
PROP SYNC ON: Propeller synchrophaser is on with the landing gear down.
FUEL CROSSFEED: Fuel Crossfeed Valve is open; remember that the C90 has an auto-crossfeed system which will activate shortly after the failure of a low-pressure boost pump, if the Crossfeed switch is in the AUTO position.
BAGGAGE DOOR OPEN: Nose baggage door not secure; this annunciator is on the HOT bus and will remain illuminated even if the battery master switch is off.
CABIN DOOR OPEN: Cabin door not secure.
ALT WARN: Cabin Altitude is above 10,000 feet.
Interstage Turbine Temperature (ITT)
The ITT instruments are a representation of the engine's temperature, and on the C90 are typically placarded with a red line max for normal operations, and a red line max for starting.
Torque Meters
The Torque Meters display the torque being applied at the reduction gearbox; the torque meters are the main instrument for setting power in the terminal environment, and must be monitored during all power additions to avoid exceeding any limitations.
Np - Prop RPMs
The Np instrument shows propeller RPMS; keep in mind that as you reduce propeller RPM, the torque will necessarily increase.
Fuel Flow
The fuel flow instruments show fuel flow measured in hundreds of pounds per hour.
Oil Temp/Pressure
The Oil Temperature and Pressure instruments are DC powered and displayed in degrees Celsius.
Ice Vanes
Inertial Separators, or Ice Vanes, are manually operated by levers under the instrument panel. They should be extended when the temperature is 5 degrees Celsius or less, and freedom from visible moisture (clouds, mist, precipitation) cannot be assured.