Gavin and I have been busy over the last month and are excited to announce a new video series as well as our fledgling Facebook and Twitter accounts. While our social media accounts are closer to standard fare, we hope the introduction of the FAR Clarity Series is helpful to both new and existing pilots alike.

Pilot Proficient's Social Presence
We’re looking to contributing more to the aviation community and have created social pages on Twitter and Facebook.
While we work to build our followers and fans, and would like to invite you to join. We also welcome your recommendations for whom to follow in your local aviation community.
FAR Clarity Video Series
The Federal Aviation Regulations are critical for safe and legal aviation operations in the United States, and can’t be ignored. However, at their best FARs are a pretty dry read, and at their worst, it can be hard to extract the meaning through the legalese and government wording.
Leveraging more than 15 years of instructional experience, Gavin has taken the time to energize and simplify the FARs individually. We’ve started with 14 CFR part 91, sections 91.3 through 91.25, and look forward to continuing after getting a little feedback from the community(see social below).